2017 National Family Preservation -17 Question Congressional Survey (Motion to move Schaefer Bill to Law)
Please provide your name and state and answer each question with only a Yes or No answer. No modification or written comments may be made on the survey. Return the completed survey to aweprogm@gmail.com no later than December 15th, 2017 (revised deadline)
Name__________________________________ State __________________
Since 2011 Many Judges, prosecutors and public officials have been caught and jailed for stealing money out of Family Court Social Security entitlement programs, while many still are at large. Over 1000 Foster homes have been found to be ran by convicted child molesters and almost every child or minor found to be solicited for sex trafficking has been linked to foster care. To this date, Millions of people are affected Nationwide and feel the need to establish constitutional amendments for fathers, mothers, grand parents and children rights but our Constitution is already specific; Now we find a need to reform healthcare which is funded by social security, the very funds State Family Court dips into every day. Foster Care agencies promote the ability to make money to their recruits more so than emphasize their ability to be a parent through an unjust court system. In some instances the children have been murdered, raped and further abused by the system that put them there. Let us discuss each avenue of Family Court which not only includes removal of children but also in appropriate child support orders and removal of elderly into nursing homes. Enforcement of Drug Rehabs a judge may own that strips away a child and places them in a home that has no drug screening. Police officers, Firemen, Doctors, Military and many credible Americans are affected by the non transparent Family Courts. De fund non compliant state entities that show no accountability for the destruction of families and the peoples tax money and pass Schaefer Law.
Given that the House of Representatives voted YES (418 to 0 ) on House Resolution 125, condemning international child abductions, stating in part: Whereas according to the Department of State, abducted children are at risk of serious emotional and psychological problems and have been found to experience anxiety, eating problems, nightmares, mood swings, sleep disturbances, aggressive behavior, resentment, guilt and fearfulness, and as adults may struggle with identity issues, their own personal relationships and parenting; and Whereas left-behind parents may encounter substantial psychological, emotional, and financial problems and many may not have the financial resources to pursue civil or criminal remedies for the return of their children in foreign courts or political systems; these systems creates a need for more prisons and institutions that leach off of the peoples money:
1. Do you believe that children need both biological parents equally? Yes ___ No ___
2. Do you support S.J.Res.16 - The Parental Rights Amendment, which would amend the U.S. Constitution thereby protecting the rights of America’s parents from invasion through state law or international
treaty? Yes___ No ___
3. Do you support HR 4469, a bill that would protect deployed military service members by preventing family courts from permanently changing or amending a child custody order while a service member is
deployed overseas.(If custody was temporarily changed while the parent was overseas, the court must reverse the change once the service member returns home from deployment.) Yes____ No___
4. Will you support federal legislation to protect children and families, modeled on the Georgia legislation championed by the late state Senator Nancy Schaefer, SB 415, whose purpose is to prevent “Child
Protective Services” from unjustifiably inserting themselves into the private lives of America’s families, to prevent taking of children when it is not in the best interest of the child, and to reduce child trafficking?
Yes ___ No____
5. Are you aware of the Parental Suicide Act and that an average of 22 Vets per Day commit Suicide mainly due to Non Reunification with their families which has increased from 19 in 2010 ? Yes____ No____
6. Will you support the preservation of the American Family through the amendment of VAWA to make funding contingent on each state having implemented stringent policies to penalize false allegations of
abuse so real victims of domestic violence receive VAWA’s benefit and false accusers are prosecuted? Yes____ No____
7. Do you believe that federal immigration code should incentivize false allegations of domestic violence by allowing the mere claim of victimization with out any concrete evidence to be used by immigrants as a
short cut to gaining permanent residency and U.S citizenship and are you aware that SSA funds the adoptions of children out of the country? Yes ____ No ____
8.Will you support repeal of the Mondale Act 42 U.S.C. Sec.5101 or amendment of that act – to criminalize the use of false allegations of child or sexual child abuse intended to influence the determination of
child custody, as is currently common practice? Yes ____ No ____
9. Many states have debtors prison charging $40.00 or more per day to the inmate in addition to child support. Would you support repeal or amendment of the Bradley Amendment US Code Title IV-D (42 U.S.C.
§ 666(a)(9)(c)) which currently requires state courts to prohibit retroactive reduction of child support obligations even in the case of fraud? Yes ___ No ___
10. Would you support sanctions or the elimination of federal funding to states that fail to take measures to eliminate misandrist bias from the Family Court System and impose sanctions on judges who continue
to exhibit misandrist bias? Yes___ No__
11. Are you familiar with CAPTA? yes_____ No_____
12. Will you appeal the 1997 Adoptions For Safe Families Act? Yes_______ No______
13. Are you aware of Ofc. of Ombudsman, Ofc of Civil Rights and also the recent implementation of Review Panels needing judicial accountability to help them? Yes_____ No_____
14. Are you familiar with the term PAS or Parental Alienation Syndrome and how it's initiated by parents but also Family Court System ? Yes____ No____
15. Do you have financial interests like ownership, stock or bonds in pharmaceutical medicines, foster homes, nursing homes, drug rehabs or any sub of the courts getting federal funding? Yes____ No____
16. Are you aware that many sex offenders are not made to register nationally because their cases are kept in Family Court? Yes____No____
17. Do you agree that the courts need supervision to protect the best interests of the whole family and manage our Social Security money more effectively? Yes____ No____
#1 Solution: Give a Jury Trial Option in any instance where a parent feels necessary.
a.) Allow Audio and Video Recording in the court room and give access through courthouse website portal along with case files downloadable.
b.) Judiciaries with financial kickbacks and conflicts of interest shall be removed from their position of power or abolish those interests draining SSA.
c.) Hold the Judiciary accountable for Constitutional Violations with hefty fines and imprisonment!
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